Top 20 NuGet autofac Packages

Utilities for AdaptiveClient
Utility classes and methods for using AdaptiveClient to work with DBContext and other Entity Framework Core objects. Build loosely coupled services, readily accessible via a lightweight façade. Easily build your service layer to use multiple providers (MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite) with no additional infra...
This library contains an Autofac module to register configuration types.
dotnet core autofac自动注入
dotnet core autofac自动注入
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
Extends Tracing.NET with Autofac modularity.
DynamicProxy integration for Nkit.IocManager
Autofac container support, for the dotnettency Mutlitenancy library for dotnet standard compatible applications.
Extensions for using BigSolution.Mapping.AutoMapper with Autofac
Library that helps building DDD application using Autofac
Library that helps building DDD application.
Library that helps building DDD application using Autofac
Simple CQS package for solutions using Autofac containers
Provides an Autofac enabled bootstrapper for Caliburn.Micro.
Optional Autofac modules for Lokad.Cloud.Storage. You do NOT need this package, unless you want to integrate Lokad.Cloud.Storage into your already existing Autofac container quickly.