Top 20 NuGet autofac Packages
This library exposes the Autofac implementation of Solid Instrument's inversion of control abstraction.
Sop.Core API 常用核心,请使用 最新的dll
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments RabbitMQ messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Azure Service Bus messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments event authoring abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.
This is a project template for .Net Core 3.1 API,
pre-configured and ready to use with,
1. Autofac 5.2.0 registrations setup.
2. Ready Swagger 5.5.1 endpoint.
3. pre-Configured Serilog 2.9.0 console sinks.
4. pre-Configured AutoMapper 10.0.0.
5. pre-Installed Newtonsoft.Jso...
This Package Contain Useful Library And Extention Method For Easy Develop High Tech Asp.Net Core Mvc Application.
ForExample : ExtensionMethods For Dynamically Register Service And Componnent Base On Inherit From ITransientInjection, IScopedInjection Or ISingletonInjection
Spring Cloud Config Server Configuration Provider Autofac
log4net Integration with the Hazware Container Abstraction.
NLog Integration with the Hazware Container Abstraction.
Adds support for the Silverlight Toolkit Page Transition's with MvcTransitionFrame
An MVVM+Controller implementation for WPF & WP7, giving all the goodness of MVVM while introducing a controller to make it easier to write better apps easier. Supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
Combining MahApps.Metro and Caliburn.Micro and Autofac Bootstrapper support
Fix the MVC dependency resolver bug
Autofac dependency resolver for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway