Top 20 NuGet analyzer Packages
Contains ruleset for analyzers, requires the analyzers itself
Roslyn analyzer that enforces mapper classes to mention every property of the mapped object
This package contains simple utility library for wrapping raw SQL queries and C# code analyzer for correctness analysis.
Currently supports following features:
- Syntax analysis and object usage of SQL queries
- Analysis of provided/expected parameters (currently implemented only for Dapper f...
This package provides code fix for string properties inside model classes, Datetime fix, float/double decimal point restrictions and dictinory variables
Roslyn analyzer for enforcing null contracts
Contains a set of useful analyzers for C#. Requires at least VS2017. For a list of all the analyzers see
Analyzer that suppresses the CS0702 error, thus allowing any constraint to be used (including 'Delegate' and 'Enum').
Diagnostics analyzer: when interpolated string ($"...") is used as an object, will force it to be cast to FormattableString (this will preserve raw data values and is very useful, for example, when unit testing log messages).
Syntax expression parser/evaluation.
Manage null values.
analyzers and code fixes for unit refactorings
Roslyn analyzers for Gu.Reactive.
Analyzers for .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")
- Validations of Composite Format String at compile-time.
- Quick-fixes for Composite Format Strings.
- Vistual Studio 2015+
- .Net Framework 4.5+
generate mixin codes with code analyzer/fix provider
Analyzers and CodeFixes for [Record]-marked types. See project site for more details.