Top 20 NuGet analyzer Packages
Analyzers for Microsoft.AspNetCore
A lightweight framework for creating unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings using NUnit. This is a NetStandard retarget of Dustin Campbell's library, targetting newer versions of CodeAnalysis packages.
Library containing different visual tree analyzers and helpers.
This library currenty only supports UWP with OS XAML.
This library contains multiple analyzers directly scanning the visual tree for potential issues and especially for accessibility issues.
In addition to that, the library also allow...
Provides analyzer diagnostics to warn about incorrect usage of FakeItEasy in VB.NET. Works in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 or later.
An analyzer to find static fields
The compiler for the Cm programming language
StyleChecker is another code style checking and refactoring tool similar to FxCopAnalyzers, StyleCop Analyzers, SonarLint, Roslynator, etc.
Microsoft Application Inspector is a software source code analysis tool that helps identify and surface well-known features and other interesting characteristics of source code to aid in determining what the software is or what it does. This is a dotnet tool package. For the library, see Microsoft.C...
A lightweight framework for creating unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings using NUnit.
This analyzer detects where you're using platform- and version-specific (non-universal) Windows 10 UWP APIs, and helps you guard them correctly.
This is an example of roslyn analyzer, that can create diagnostics when there are missing some usings, that are required for using debugging data transformation via lambdas and Linqs in Watch or Immediate windows.
Because Microsoft still haven't added support for post-loading libraries like System....
Roslyn analyzer for checking WebApi response type documentation accuracy
MapEnforcerAnalyzer needs markers to function. This library contain two such markers, MapperAttribute and ExcludeFromMappingAttribute. The first says where the check should be performed, the second excludes source properties from the analysis.
Saleae Logic Socket API Library