Top 20 NuGet analyzer Packages
Allows the customization of where indexes start in C#. Not only can you force Roslyn to interpret items[1] as items[0], but also items[-42] and items[1_000_000] if you want! The sky (and common sense) are the only limits!
Provides the [FlagsEnumeration] attribute for use when signaling when bitwise operators and so forth are to be auto generated at build time.
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Diagnostic elements deployed in the Analyzer and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses primarily on the Diagnostic Analyzers with built-in Roslyn compilation support.
A .Net analyzer that helps to avoid basic mistakes with the MSTest framework
Exterminates redundant and useless whitespace.
JIEba.Lucene.Net is an analyzer tools for which is kind to chinese
JIEba.Lucene.Net is an analyzer tools for which is kind to chinese
Provides the build time generators that respond to the [FlagsEnumeration] partial class attribute.
Provides the [FlagsEnumeration] attribute for use when signaling when bitwise operators and so forth are to be auto generated at build time.
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Diagnostic elements deployed in the Analyzer and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses primarily on the Diagnostic Analyzers with built-in Roslyn compilation support.
StyleCop helper package from Springboard 365 Ltd .
Parses the Kaylee model files and generates the corresponding AST. Usually acts as the baseline for other tools like code generators.
This package includes GPPG 1.5.3 and GPLEX 1.2.3 tools for compiling YACC and LEX source files in your C# project.
The lucene NGram analyzer for RavenDB.
Please use Refactoring Essentials.
A set of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers and code fixes targeting .NET Core libaries.
Reports diagnostics, helping you to annotate your source tree with (Item)NotNull / (Item)CanBeNull attributes. See also:
You need Visual Studio 2015/2017/2019 and Resharper v9 or higher to use this analyzer. See package "...
C# Code diagnostics for promoting good clean design