FlexiCache for ASP.NET applications NuGet Package

This library provides extended cache capabilities to the ASP.NET applications.

It includes the MongoDB and SQL Server output cache providers extending ASP.NET Output Cache capabilities by allowing to store cached data outside of the application process that is especially important in web-farm scenario.

This library provides "Session-On-Demand" functionality - ability to separate ASP.NET Session data to subsets that can be stored outside of the main ASP.NET session and loaded on demand when it's really used rather on every request.

This optimizes the out-of-proc ASP.NET session management and increases the overall site performance. These subsets of data can also be stored either in MongoDB and SQL Server.

As an additional functionality, the library provides "Cache-On-Demand" that functions as an external out-of-process cache shared by all servers on web-farm. This cached data can be stored either in MongoDB and SQL Server.

All functionality is highly configurable and extendable.

The FlexiCache 1.1 has ability automatically collect meta data (metatags) for each cached resource or accept custom meta tags. This provides further functionality to remove the cached data by using application meaningful information embedded in the metatags. The removal process is based on application business logic. The Output Cache Provider is able to automatically build meta tags collection from query string and form parameters.

The result metatags have the following format: "userid=12345", where UserId was a form or query string parameter that was supplied with the request.

Got any FlexiCache for ASP.NET applications Question?


Version: 1.1.4
Author(s): Lenny Granovsky
Last Update: Sunday, March 10, 2013
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://flexicache.codeplex.com/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/FlexiCache

Install-Package FlexiCache
dotnet add package FlexiCache
paket add FlexiCache
FlexiCache Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






