Top 20 NuGet async Packages

In .Net 4.6.2, enables developer plug in async version of SessionState module which is a good fit for the non-in-memory SessionState data store. This SessionState provider uses CosmosDB as the data store and leverages async database operation to provide better scability.
Message handler Chain
A series of utilities to ease networking as client, with the usage of asynccronous requests responses and coroutines. The documentation can be found on
Provides XML serializer for LostTech.App.Settings
Better way to store your app's settings. Key features: - asynchronous - autosave - data bindable
Core objects to help streaming with an asynchronous WCF service and ASP.NET Web API.
iwhen, Immediate Promises for TypeScript 0.8.3
C# Pastebin API from DreamTeam Mobile Easy create pastes in different formats using this PCL (portable class library) Details:
An hashing library for making hashing easier. Supports CRC-32, MD5 and SHA-1 to SHA-512. HMAC support for MD5 and SHA-1, also supports awaitable hashing operations.
Tool that checks your C# files for ConfigureAwait(false) on every awaited call.
.NET Portable Class Library that provides awaitable synchronization primitives for use with code employing the Task abstraction for modeling asynchronous operations.
An async streaming XML-RPC server for OWIN
Solid.Http.Json is an extension to Solid.Http.Core for working with json http responses using System.Text.Json.
Solid.Http.Core is a library to simplify http calls in C#. It's designed to be async and fully extendable.
Solid.Http is a library to simplify http calls in C#. It's designed to be async and fully extendable.
await any kind objects.
Custom implementations for a queue pushing messages to a remote consumer