Version: | 2.1.0 |
Author(s): | Rox Software Pty Ltd |
Last Update: | Tuesday, October 18, 2016 |
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Rox.Xamarin.Video Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
- Xamarin.Forms(>= 1.0.0)
Supports Android, iOS, and UWP.
The VideoView control uses native controls on each platform. VideoView for Android, AVPlayerViewController for iOS, and MediaElement for UWP.
The VideoView control in its simplest form can be used with the built-in controller. The VideoView control can also be bound to your own controls.
The VideoView.Source property is of type ImageSource. This means you can set the VideoView.Source in the same way you would set the Image.Source property, including being able to use ImageSource.FromResource().
XAML Usage:
<roxv:VideoView AutoPlay="True" LoopPlay="True" ShowController="True" Source="" />
Sample Application is available at:
In your iOS project "AppDelegate" code file, you must call "Rox.VideoIos.Init()" before "Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init()".
It should look something like:
LoadApplication(new MyVideoApplication());
The VideoView has the following methods:
- Task Start(); (Start and Resume playing the video)
- Task Pause(); (Pause and Resume playing the video)
- Task Stop(); (Stop playing the video)
The VideoView has the following bindable properties:
- bool AutoPlay { get; set; } (Automatically starts playing the video, when video has finished loading)
- TimeSpan Duration { get; } (The duration of the video, available after video has loaded)
- bool FullScreen { get; set; } (View the video in full screen mode)
- bool LoopPlay { get; set; } (Start playing the video again from the start, once it has finished)
- bool Muted { get; set; } (Mutes the volume)
- TimeSpan Position { get; set; } (The current position of the video during playback, available after video has loaded)
- TimeSpan PositionInterval { get; set; } (The interval at which to update the current position of the video during playback, PositionInterval of TimeSpan.Zero will disable timer)
- bool ShowController { get; set; } (Determines if the built-in controller is visible)
- ImageSource Source { get; set; } (The source of the video to load, See Xamarin article "Working with Images")
- VideoStateType VideoState { get; } (The current state of the VideoView: Empty, Error, Buffering, Playing, Paused, Stopped)
- double Volume { get; set; } (The sound level of the audio, from 0 to 1)
- ICommand PropertyChangedCommand { get; set; } (Executes a command when any of the VideoView properties change)