Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

Xamarin.Forms Web View that supports cookies and loading pages event
View videos in Xamarin Forms with the VideoView control. Supports Android, iOS, and UWP. The VideoView control uses native controls on each platform. VideoView for Android, AVPlayerViewController for iOS, and MediaElement for UWP. The VideoView control in its simplest form can be used with the bui...
Xamarin forms PCL for get requests to through http
Use these extensions to build Xamarin.Forms applications with Prism and Ninject.
A small collection of layouts for Xamarin Forms.
BadgeButton custom control for Xamarin.Forms
A Xamarin.Forms view for rendering Markdown strings intelligently on Android and iOS.
Preview Xamarin.Forms XAML on devices and simulators, with support for data-binding via JSON dummy view models.
Preview Xamarin.Forms XAML on devices and simulators, with support for data-binding via JSON dummy view models.
UI Sleuth is a Xamarin.Forms debugging tool. If you’ve ever made a web site, it’s similar to Microsoft’s F12 tools or Chrome Developer Tools. You can use it to efficiently track down layout issues, prototype a new design, and remotely control a device.
StateButton custom control for Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms Prism Pages with SetAutowireViewModel, MVVM View Model Base classes, services, extensions etc
Netstandard/PCL/Win10 Xamarin.Forms views, converters, pages and services such as bindable picker and a modal view
With this Package you can use the essential database functions with your Azure Easy Tables. You don't have to write all of your Tables all functions, just create the Model of your Table with a string id and give it to the functions.
all-in-one easy mvvm implementation for Xamarin.Forms with PullToRefresh feature. look at github for guideline or take a look at sample project.
QRCode rendering for Xamarin.Forms.
Facebook Integration Library for ChilliSource.Mobile