Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

A collection of plugins and base classes for Xamarin Forms that I find useful, maybe you will too
A collection of plugins and base classes for Xamarin Forms that I find useful, maybe you will too
Cross platform Xamarin plugin to play and control Audio and Video. This adds Xamarin.Forms specific features
Xamarin Form helper for install application
Custom library made by https://www.Housecode.Net
A collection of attached properties that let you specify a loading state view for any of your existing layouts.
SkiaSharp for Xamarin.Forms is a set of views that can be used to draw on the screen.
Integration library for using Softeq.XToolkit.WhiteLabel in Xamarin.Forms projects.
Chip support for Xamarin.Forms.
Eltra - CANOpen based IoT Framework - SDK - Xamarin UI
Extends Prism.Forms.Navigation with a NavigationBuilder for prettier navigation.
Collection of utilities to help you with developing Xamarin apps.
Bottom Sheet implementation for Xamarin Forms
Set of several tools and dependency services for xamarin
This Nuget package, present a collection of xamarin forms layout with the capabilities of rounding all corners or some of them. The layouts are : - RoundedStackLayout - RoundedContentView - RoundedGrid I based this development on the CachedImage/ RoundTransformation library developed by Daniel Lu...
Cross platform Xamarin plugin
Xamarin.Forms library for displaying particles. Supports confetti-like falling particles and radiating particles from touch input. Can be extended with custom particle generators.
Cubic-Bezier easings for Xamarin Forms animations
Xamarin Label Decorator is a converter that helps users to create extra flexibility to the way a label is displayed on a xamarin forms application.