Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework for Xamarin.Forms.RxUI
Xuni Gauges for Xamarin.Forms includes customizable radial, linear and bullet graph gauge controls.
A lightweight PCL framework that helps you develop MVVM Xamarin.Forms applications easily.
SharpRavenPortable is the .NET Xamarin client for Sentry. ( and mailto: [email protected]
Xamarin Forms Extended Controls. Provides extended controls with a 'Material Design' flare.
ReactiveUI Extensions Library for ChilliSource.Mobile framework
TouchTracking.Forms provides unified API for multi-touch gestures on Android, iOS and UWP which can be consumed as Effect in Xamarin Forms.
Base Bluetooth capabilities
CodeBrix is a comprehensive rapid-application development (RAD) platform for quickly creating apps for iOS, Android and Windows (UWP); and is based on Xamarin.Forms and Prism.
XamarinForms FontAwesome 5.15 integration
Biblioteca de componentes para Xamarin Forms. Views: - AccordionView; - ExpandableView; - LoginView; - CreditCardView; - NoBounceScrollView; - LoadingView; - ScrollLoadingView; - GridView; - ScrollGridView; - ScrollGridRefreshView; ...
Easily render HTML in your Xamarin.Forms apps (iOS and Android only).
Provides support for Xamarin.Forms projects.
Ensighten Forms Plugin is a tag management solution that allows marketers to quickly deploy marketing technology tags in Xamarin Forms apps in real-time, without relying on lengthy development cycles.
A library for Clinical6 UI components (a product of Parallel6)
BlazorMobile: Launch Blazor as a mobile application on iOS, Android & UWP, with native communication support. Support iOS 12+, Android 4.4 >= and UWP. Install this package on your shared Xamarin.Forms app project.
This plugin allows you to take multiple photos within one view in Xamarin Forms. You can change camera, set max images, preview, delete and save.