Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

Xam.GridView - This control useful to show the list of items in grid view. It’s fully implemented by xamarin.forms. It’s not depends on native UI. Features: - Load the list of items in grid view. - Pagination support - Virtual pagination support. - Pull To Refresh Support - Head...
Package Description
Cross-platform controls for Xamarin.Forms
Extensiones útiles para la plataforma Xamarin.Forms (páginas y elementos visuales).
Base page view models for adding better structure to your view models when dealing with API-calls and refreshable lists.
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
A CollectionViewSource implementation for Xamarin Forms that supports filtering, sorting and grouping.
This project provides animation classes that can be used to define animations based on stops and Xamarin setters.
This is a Fork From, which provides an updated version of the package as there has been no release since 2109. FreshMvvm is a super light Mvvm Framework designed specifically for Xamarin.Forms. Its designed to be Easy, Simple and Flexible.
This project provides an observable collection that is fed from an async enumerable.
Implementation Icons8 LineAwesome For Xamarin.Forms
Implementation Icons8 LineAwesome For Xamarin.Forms
Implementation Icons8 LineAwesome For Xamarin.Forms
Implementation Font Awesome Free For Xamarin.Forms
Implementation Font Awesome Free For Xamarin.Forms
Implementation Font Awesome Free For Xamarin.Forms
Simple Charts for Xamarin Forms
SQLite App Tools lets you look inside the database inside your Xamarin Forms app to inspect and debug the contents. There's no need to dig through folders deeply buried in macOS with GUIDs for names or use the command line to dig around in Android. Just a nuget with a GUI right in your app.
Contains useful classes for working with MVVM in Xamarin Forms.
This package contains a Xamarin.Forms.CheckBox with Label