Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

The Xuni chart core library for Xamarin.Forms includes common classes shared between Xuni FlexChart and Xuni FlexPie.
The Xuni core library for Xamarin.Forms includes common classes and controls.
AdMob PlugIn for Xamarin.Forms.
Library to authenticate Xamarin Forms apps against OAuth providers
Provides a sample implementation for consuming HTTP REST web services, including calling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations. It hides the complexity behind serializiing and deserializing entities/models and creating HTTP requests.
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to give you a better Map experience. Ensure you call SvgImageRenderer.Init(), TwoColumnCellRenderer.Init(), ExtendedMapRenderer.Init() on each platform!
MapExtend for Xamarin.Forms is a plugin for Xamarin.Forms allowing users to draw routes, reveal nearby locations, distance between two points and place pins at certain addresses. ##ALPHA VERSION## Custom Icons - Android Work as Well. iOS Need test
MvvmCross plugin to work with Xamarin Forms on iOS, Android, WinPhone SL, WinStore 8.1 & WinPhone 8.1 projects. Install this plugin on a blank MvvmCross project (each platform) without any customization so that you can click "Yes to all" on overriding alert message. If your project is not a blank o...
Android platform specific code
Location library for ChilliSource.Mobile
Xamarin Forms Control - CarouselView
A simple way to connect your app to a PHP Server.
Predictable state management for C# applications. Port of ReduxJS.