Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Datagrid component for Entity Framework This component is used for dynamic generation of tables with search / sort / pagination. All select used in this component will always make ONLY three queries to the database, 2 counts (total / filtered) and the select that will retrieve the data ALREADY paged...
Provides custom extensions for the OpenAccessContext.
Реализация стандартного CRUD на базы EF Code first.
Хелпер для авторегистрации репозиториев библиотеки Rikrop.Core.Data.
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for all .NET projects using EF.
EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First's extension points and separates concerns to make it easy to unit test your hooking code.
Automatically bust your NHibernate cache when the schema changes.
simple and fast convention-based POCO ORM.
DCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
The seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
The EfNewWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using EF New DbContext ORM.
The EfOldWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using EF Old ObjectContext ORM.
SqlServer 2008, 2012 and 2014 support for the seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
Contains a library that implements Psns.Common.Persistence.Definitions with Entity Framework
Like Puppet or Chef for Seeding Data. Lets you configure NHibernate Entities to a desired state.
Contains interfaces that define persistence-specific functionality
A library that enables you to map private properties using entity framework in order to build encapsulated and rich domain models
Easily call stored procedures by writing an interface that describes their names, inputs, and results. Uses the CodeOnlyStoredProcedures library to acually execute the stored procedures.
Sooda is an object-to-relational mapping (O/R Mapping) software for the .NET environment. It lets you automatically generate an object-oriented data access layer (DAL) for your application. Instead of writing SQL code, you can now focus on writing business rules in object-oriented .NET languages. S...
An implemented IGridReader for PicnicOrm using Dapper.