Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

CSharpSQLite driver for Fluent NHibernate.
MS SQL HierarchyId methods support for NHibernate
Bootstrap for the Data project: the project that holds actual implementations of your repositories (using NHibernate in this case)
Entity Framework implementation for Queries with Waffle.
Business Logic Toolkit AzureSql Data Provider for .NET
Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers.
A provider that allows caching Entity Framework queries and updates.
NHibernate extension for utilizing System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations validation.
All credit goes to the NH team and others (i.e. LinFu) for the code base. This is just a modification of their code to enable constructor DI and emit verifiable code.
Enables NHibernate to batch commands when using MySQL
This project is an NHibernate second-level cache provider for App Fabric. This project is based on the original implementation for the beta versions of AppFabric caching, code named velocity, which can be found at
Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers. specialize to handle SQLite
.NET ORM, primarily for F#
This project was created to help developers work with Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC providing some mapping techniques to convert Entities objects into ViewModels objects. If you're one of us, you have to implement some sort of "custom binding" methods in order to query the database reporting t...
NecroNetToolkit is a set of tools that simplify and help with development of smaller projects based on ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework.
An ActiveRecord pattern implementation for POCOs using NHibernate with emphasize on testability.
NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
A light weight framework that provides implementations of commonly used design patterns for applications using a Domain Driven Design approach.