Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

A NCommon container adapter for Autofac
A NCommon container adapter for Ninject
A NCommon container adapter for StructureMap
A NCommon container adapter for Unity
NCommon data adapter for Db4o
NCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
Entity Framework's Code First implementation of the Juanagui.Common.Repositories package's IRepository interface.
Simple assembly to suppress logging for NHibernate.
A forked version of Massive (by @robconery) compatible with MySql.
This library allows developers to Create, Update, and Delete database schemas based on their hibernate.cfg.xml and *.hmb.xml entity mapping files, and Fluent Mappings stored on project assemblies.
HaterAide is a simple ORM that contains a number of features including automatic schema updates to a database based on the object mappings, stored procedure based calls and generation, etc.
Business Logic Toolkit PostgreSql Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit SqlCe Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit SQLite Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Sybase Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit DB2 Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Firebird Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Informix Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit MySql Data Provider for .NET
Dino extension for EntityFramework