Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Catch specific exceptions such as UniqueConstraintException, CannotInsertNullException, MaxLengthExceededException, NumericOverflowException or ReferenceConstraintException instead of generic DbUpdateException
.NET Core ORM specially designed to work with PostgreSQL
This is extension for Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL. it's enables filter data in Case Insensitive mode.
Allows SQL Server Compact 4.0 to be used with Entity Framework Core. Requires the SQL Server Compact 4.0 runtime to be installed
EF.Auditor is a simple and lightweight auditing library for Entity Framework Core that supports Domain Driven Design.
Adds support for SQLite to DataObjects.Net Core
Adds support for PostgreSQL to DataObjects.Net Core
Adds support for Oracle database to DataObjects.Net Core
Adds support for MySQL to DataObjects.Net Core
Adds support for Firebird to DataObjects.Net Core
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EFCore or AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNet.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions.
Miado is a data-access layer with an intuitive and easy to use API which wraps around and improves upon the usage of straight ADO.Net code. What is it? Miado is not yet-another-ORM library. If you are looking for an ORM tool and/or SQL generator, look at LINQ, NHibernate, Subsonic, etc. However, i...
Generic Repository and Unit of work pattern with EF.Core
Merge and batch Insert, Update, Delete operations for EntityFramework 6
Package Description
Entity Framework Second Level Caching Library.