Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Lightweight implementation of Repository Pattern based on Dapper ORM. This implementation supports CRUD operations via auto-generated plain SQL
N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight T4 code generation templates.
Incredibly easy and talented micro orm library for Oracle.
Incredibly easy and talented micro orm library for PostgreSQL
Incredibly easy and talented micro orm library for SQLite
MongoDB implementation of the EASE database framework
Entity framework implementation of EASE database framework
NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
.NET library for mapping to and from contract types using Max and Entity Framework 6.
This is a powerful and simple Web development library
NHibernate Mapping Provider for WrappedSqlFileStream
Entity framework 6.x provider for Microsoft Access (Jet) files
This package provides core interfaces and helpers used by Dehydrator. Install this package instead of the main Dehydrator package in Model-only assemblies to reduce coupling.
An easy to use C# database interfacing library
MySql for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
SqlCe for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
SQLite for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
A CRUD wrapper for Dapper. In order to use it, you'll need a provider; Jaunty.SqlClient or Jaunty.PgSql
PostgreSQL support for Jaunty
SQL Server support for Jaunty