Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

基于Dapper的Lambda扩展支持按时间分库分表,也可以自定义分库分表方法,且实体类有T4模版自动生成.省去手写实体类的麻烦 SqlServer扩展
Provides auto generated predicate ExpressionStarter<TEntity> through a filtering model, using LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
write an object enumerable to csv and read back allowing to use linq
Methods for calculating the minimum and maximum of an IEnumerable<T> in one pass.
Methods for shuffling IList and IEnumerable
提供一组 .NET Standard 2.0 的 API,使用语言集成查询分析痒痒熊导出器导出的数据。示例项目见存储库。
Aliases of System.Linq extension methods.
Self-containing DataTable classes for the jQuery plugin that manage rendering, querying, filtering, sorting and other desireable tasks for the user.
Additional template mappers for the DataTables.NetStandard package.
.NET and Mono framework with support for Postgres and Oracle
Exposes facades for common Logging, Configuration, and DI components to extract dependencies as well as utility methods for logging inside of Linq expressions.
A set of tools for working with standard SQL queries and returning a collection of C# objects instead of an SQLDataReader or DataTable.
Enhanced features for the self-containing DataTable classes for the jQuery plugin that manage rendering, querying, filtering, sorting and other desireable tasks for the user.
A .NET Standard library that adds option semantics to a tuple of Boolean and T.
This XObjectsCore library provides an API for generated code and projects that use said generated code. Use this library in shipping apps + libraries; use LinqToXsdCore to generate code. Original Authors: Microsoft Corporation.
ImportedLinq provides utility collection methods that are imported from other programming languages.
Reactive Extensions (Rx) Main Library combining the interfaces, core, LINQ, and platform services libraries.
Allows the creating of composable queries and thus the reusability of Linq2Entity snippets
A .NET Standard library for boxing any value.