Top 20 NuGet Packages

Lightweight and friendly .NET library for realizing Semantic Web applications
A .NET Library for the Open Physiology Rdfstore API.
.NET library for reading EPUB files
Package Description
Autofac Rxns extensions
Small, simple open-source C# animation library built using the reactive extensions framework, utilizing Robert Penner's easing functions. Does not make use of reflection, instead allowing the caller to use a function/monad/observer to update their desired object. Contains methods for animating Wind...
Reactive Extensions (Rx) Main Library combining the interfaces, core, LINQ, and platform services libraries.
Reactive Extensions Advanced Flow Library contains the Reactive-Streams enabled extension methods to build non-blocking backpressured flows, plus support for Single (1 element or 1 error) and Completable (1 complete or 1 error) reactive types.
Reactive Extensions for Xamarin Android Core Module
A portable library providing web socket implementation with inbuilt Rx support. Check for details.
A .Net library for desktop apps providing web socket implementation with inbuilt Rx support and error handling. Check for details.
A library for android apps providing web socket implementation with inbuilt Rx support and error handling. Check for details.
A library for Ios apps providing web socket implementation with inbuilt Rx support and error handling. Check for details.
Fody extension to generate RaisePropertyChange notifications for properties and ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties.
DI container for ReactiveApp, modified from Munq.