Top 20 NuGet Packages

ReCaptcha.NET provides a .NET wrapper library for Google's reCaptcha ( API.
Wrapper .NET library for Google ReCaptcha v2.0
Free .NET library for Google ReCaptcha v2.0 verification
Selector library for Redux in C# - Inspired by reselect
Common library for Recipe Management Service
Basic recipe units and conversions for dotnet core applications.
An asynchronous wrapper for the Quandl financial data API.
.NET/redis based recommendation engine (collaborative filtering)
Base on C#: A Method for Tail Call Recursion by StormySpike[].
Provides change notifications (INotifyPropertyChanged) for nested data structures (e.g. INotifyCollectionChanged<INotifyPropertyChanged>)
DNN helper library for module development
Helper library to add centralized functionality with Web API and networking
Bulk Insert Datatable or generic list into a SQL Server Database table
Bulk Insert Datatable or generic list into a SQL Server Database table
DateGreaterThan, NoFuture data and RequiredIf Validators.
.Net Client for Recursyve's Pidgey
Some handy dotnet extension methods.
Auto Faking constructors for IoC injection.
Redactor.Mvc.EditorTmpl simple editor template Asp.NET MVC