Top 20 NuGet Packages

With this package you can create .sdf database programility :)
Enables WebApi projects to generate their RAML specification.
A library for seamlessly adding pagination to your dotnet core web api.
A very rought .NET client for Rancher (
Random number generator and some utility functions for randomly chose items in collection via MathNet.Numerics
Provides RequiredMemberAttribute used to mark members of given classes/structs as required members. Members annotated with this attribute will be required inside object initializer.
Need to mock some data? This tool allows you to generate entity records with randomized data.
A package which integrates with RandomiseAPI for easy access to RandomiseAPI datasets (see on how to integrate)
A .NET C# class mapper for written in .NET Core
An unofficial .NET API wrapper for
Randori Framework for large JavaScript Application Development
This product is meant to provider an easy way of comparing Range values. For now the comparision is made for struct values such as ints, doubles, DateTime, etc
Xamarin.Forms Range Slider
A logging library that reports Ranorex Test output to ReportPortal
Add a decoupled TestRail integration to your Ranorex project and get rid off the 2-way-sync.