Top 20 NuGet Packages

All the identity tables you need are here, all the relationships are created and you just have to use them. Some tables and fields were added to this package, such as Firstname, Lastname, etc. to the User Table, such as UserSocialNetwork, WebsiteInformation, etc. to the project as default. More info...
RayBullet .Net Enterprise Application Libraries is a set of libraries for enterprise application development on Microsoft .Net framework platform. DataAccess is a library to provide classes to access database
RayBullet .Net Enterprise Application Libraries is a set of libraries for enterprise application development on Microsoft .Net framework platform. DataAccess.sqlserver is a library to provide classes to access Microsoft SQL Server
RayBullet .Net Enterprise Application Libraries is a set of libraries for enterprise application development on Microsoft .Net framework platform. Relational Mapping is a library to provide classes to map database tables to domain models
OWIN middleware for
Raygun provider for ASP.NET Core.
Useful Types : RandomProvider, BinaryTree, Sequence, various Enumerable extensions, CharSet, TypeCategorisor, EnumerableRandomExtension
Useful Types: Formula, FormulaBuilder, NodeFactory Represent a math formula as binary tree, with methods to manipulate the structure of the formula.
PowerShell Cmdlet for rendering a Razor template from the command line.
A library built on RazorEngine for tempating email messages in a background process like a Windows Service. It uses some simple conventions that automatically discover the email template to use based on a Model and an optional LanguageScope.
Razor templates for custom file types that allows to use Razor engine features in any files.
Testing automated releasing of libraries
A razor email templating library. The library uses the Razor engine for templating and provides a simple framework for working with emails The workflow for the library is as follows: 1. You create an xml definition of your email, including default to address, cc address, bc...
Forked from
Forked From : | ASP.NET Core 3.1.1 Razor Template Engine, Simple Fix Dependency on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp(>=3.5.0)
A set of interfaces ensuring correct implementations of the HTTP methods used by Razor Pages.
RazorMachine is a robust Razor 2.0/3.0 templating engine that supports layouts as well as a _viewStart construct like Asp.Net MVC