Top 20 NuGet Packages

Simple attempt at dialogs using ReactiveUI
A wrapper for libgit2sharp to make git operations asynchronous
The source code for wrapping libgit2sharp in asynchrony - unless you're building LibGit2Sharp from source, this isn't the package you want
Exposes GIT functionality through observables..
Exposes GIT functionality through observables..
A library to read and write to GPIO ports on linux using Reactive Extensions
A helper library for Reactive Extensions.
Xamarin android binding library of ReactiveNetwork.
OAuth Library based on Reactive Extensions for .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and Silverlight4.
A colleciton of boolean operators for Reactive Extensions.
Reactive Services application base libraries
Reactive Services library used to handle authorization in a Reactive Services application
Reactive Services library containing a single process memory implementation of the Reactive Services Message Bus client
Provides the reactive programming for SignalR .NET Client.
Provides the reactive programming for SignalR.
Looking for a way to display and manipulate real-time in a GUI?
AOP library that subscribes to ReactiveProperty and tracks events.
Autofac adapter for ReactiveUI, including Splat dependency resolver and registration extensions.
The .NET 4.0 package of reactiveui-events fork with .NET 4.0 / 3.5 support. ReactiveUI.Events adds Observable-based events to UI controls and other appropriate places.