Top 20 NuGet Packages

RazorMailMessage enables you to create .NET MailMessage objects based on Razor templates without a depedency on ASP.NET MVC. Support for layouts, sections, viewbag and multi-part messages.
A Razor Class library for use in Blazor Apps and Razor pages to simplify tab templating.
ASP.NET Core Role-based access control authentication middleware components for remote api wrapper.
A library containing extensions and other helpful structures to facilitate dependency registration and injection.
k-Nearest Neighbors Search Algorithm, based on the RBush data structure
基于开源orm框架PetaPoco 实现Sql语句帮助器,不使用反射、lambda等,效率更高,使用更方便。通过表、列描述类,可以借用开发工具的提示完成Sql编写。详见 helper.Build<ORG_USER.SqlAttr, ORG_DEPARTMENT.SqlAttr>((f, t, c) => f.Select(t.ID, t.NAME, t.BIND_IP, t.DESCRIPTION, c.NAME.Alias("CNAME"), c.FAX, c.REM...
RCC base Library
A tool to code generation based on Rolsyn
rconsharp is a Valve RCON protocol implementation for netstandard
rconsharp.netstandard is a port of a Valve RCON protocol implementation for .NET written in C# as a .NET Standard library.
A Read-Debrid API proxy for .NET Standard.
Collection of over a thousand R datasets packaged as a .NET Standard library.
a library about wpf
RdfMapperNet is a .NET library to map classes to RDF triples.
Store RDF data on Oracle with RDFSharp
Store RDF data on SQLServer with RDFSharp