Top 20 NuGet Packages

A little magic added to the RavenDB client libraries.
An ASP.NET session-state store-provider implementation using RavenDB for persistence.
The RavenDB Linqpad Driver makes it easy to work with a RavenDB database when executing adhoc queries or performing maintenance tasks. However, if your application doesn't use a trivial DocumentStore, then you'll need to inform the RavenDB Linqpad Driver of how the IDocumentStore needs to be creat...
RavenDB Profiler for Nancy
The Ngram analyzer is used to do substring searches efficently with RavenDB. To use the analyzer go to the folder where the Raven.Server.exe lives, create a folder named Analyzers (if doesn't exist already), and under it place the binary that is included in this package. Then you can reference it i...
Adds a RavenDb tab to your Glimpse console that contains profiling information retrieved from RavenDb. Server queries are included in the Glimpse timeline.
Helpers Classes for RavenDb
RavenDB Dependency Injection for ASP .NET Core 2.x
Creating a multilingual website with ASP.NET Core will allow your site to reach a wider audience. ASP.NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. In order to extend built-in localization structure of Core, I extended it and you can create X...
Portable .NET library for generating barcode mappings.
Kestrel wrapper which forwards requests to handler objects' endpoint methods.
Photoshop image format parser
programing framework for web crawler by XAML
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description