Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
Mock Data Framework helps you mock data for UI tests, without implementing mock classes. The framework simulates server for your application provides you unique data for every your unique http request.
DataMocker adpter for working with GraphQL queries
Form builder for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. Define your form in the shared project and use and customize it on both platforms. Strongly influenced by
Common resources such as constants, extensions, custom collections, general classes, enums, and helpers for all platforms.
This is a fork of the original SQLite-PCL library which includes support for SQLCipher
Add all views and viewmodels with one call and enable constructor injection
Android Blurring View
Download Manager to Xamarin applications.
Xamarin Android bindings for the Accengage Firebase plugin
HideShowPassword is a xamarin ios extension of UITextField and/or the MaterialComponents TextField to toggle the password visibility in a text field. Just tap the eye button on right view of textfield to toggle visibility
Google Ads Consent Sdk for Xamarin.Android
A fast & simple radio button for Xamarin.Forms.
Xamarin android binding library of ReactiveNetwork.
A Xamarin Froms control to achieve multi-directional sliding panel/drawer view control.
This package is used by BlazorMobile, BlazorMobile.Web & BlazorMobile.ElectronNET. You don't have to reference it directly.
ZXing plugins for CameraPreview
A library to enable direct binding of events in your views and methods in the view models, provide easy way of creating commands and commands collection, and also create data preview of your view models at design time.
A library to enable direct binding of events in your views and methods in the view models, provide easy way of creating commands and commands collection, and also create data preview of your view models at design time.