Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

A Xamarin.Forms Android only implementation of coordinator layout and collapsing toolbar
Display a store rating dialog after a certain number of uses, or a certain number of days after installation or on demand (eg on button tap). The user can leave a rating, delay giving a rating or decline to give a rating. The rating dialog brings up the relevant store page. If th...
Custom Controls for Xamarin Forms
.NET Bindings for TensorFlow
Easily crop and rotate image
Run annotated methods on the Main Thread
Create cross-platform customizable ClockFace.
Xamarin Forms Tabbed page or view. Xam.TabView Features - Tab Header Customization (Header Height/Color/Content). - Tab Contet Page/View customization. - Tab Header Positioning (Top/Bottom) - Tab Page/Content change events.
BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper (BRVAH) library binding for Xamarin Android (
StatusBarUtil library binding for Xamarin Android (
MvvmFlex.Forms is a MVVM framework built for Xamarin.Forms.
Net client for Xamarin Forms apps. Containing http methods like Get, Post, Put, Delete, etc...
Xamarin Yaml Localization
A base client library to detect and interact with Netduino solutions running Maple with UDP
A TagCloud control for xamarin android
A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app. Most commonly the menu is revealed by either dragging the edge of the screen, or clicking the 'up' button in the action bar.
Package Description
Package Description