Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2'. Library description: A Retrofit CallAdapter for RxJava 2's stream types.
PhoneNumberKit binding for Xamarin.iOS - requires Xcode 10.2.1
Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms. Customizable border thickness, color, background colors and formats. Version 1.0.8 or lower Built against: Version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 Built against: -> Forked from original project by RebeccaXam Version 1...
Omi.Xamarin.Forms.BarcodeX is a Xamarin.Forms view for scanning barcodes full of awesomeness and also unicorns.
sqlite-net2 allows applications to manage data in SQLite databases using Entity Framework like queries, but much lighter
Mapbox.Sdk.Geojson (C# Bindings)
Mapbox.Android.Telemetry (C# Bindings)
A managed client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Services Speech to Text API on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms, UWP, and/or .NET Standard projects.
this plugin allows to get byte[] pcm data from android and ios microphone and allows to play byte[] pcm data on Android and iOS
Fork from Added disable property
Modern Xamarin Forms Calendar that is both interactive and also fits well with only two weeks showing.
This is a .NET Standard 2.0 version of the AdvancedTimer plugin by Ufuk Arslan. Timer object and its methods are implemented for extended support for timers. You can start, stop, change interval of a timer.
Service for providing, converting, and faking date times.
A simple, easy, agile and fluent framework for Xamarin forms which encapsulates all the features of Xamarin by supporting developers with a real MVVM architecture. With Xamarin.Zero you will be able to build up the structure of your app in Zero seconds with no waste of time!
A XAML preprocessor adding conditional compilation support to XAML files
TinyIoc implementation for Xam.Zero
Custom Label which has command property
Xamarin Forms extensions for TriggerIt library.
Access device contacts on iOS and Android.
Easy and intuitive localization tools for Xamarin.Forms.