Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Xamarin Forms VisualStateManager implementation, supports part of major features of original VSM from WPF
A common trigger actions for Begin and Stop of specific storyboard, which may be used with EventTrigger or any another trigger type in Xamarin Forms
Xamarin Forms package which allows use some common WPF/UWP features like XAML-defined animations, storyboards, etc...
A lot of common WPF/UWP animations, ported to allow their usage in Xamarin Forms
Xamarin wrapper for BottomNavigationViewEx plugin created by Ittianyu
Addional views and plugins for Xamarin Forms - currently in development
Enhance Drag and Drop Library.
Multilingual plugin for a mobile cross platform apllication based on Xamarin and .Net Standard.
Akavache without the reactive extensions
Fixed a crash on UWP with GetCurrentThread
SNavigation(Xamarin.Forms) allows you to put any elements on navigation bar.
Version for .NET 4.0
Full customizable TabbedPage control for Xamarin.Forms.
An out of the box integration for fluent validation framework and INotifyDataErrorInfo interface. just decorate your target class with [NotifyDataErrorInfo(typeof(<FluentValidatorType>))] . Recommended to use with Syncfusion Data Form.
This plugin, built on top of the Sqlite-net library, allows you to add a SqLite database to your projects with a sigle line of code
A Bottom Navigation Bar implementation for Xamarin Forms.
Store your data in Local storage just by adding the SettingsAttribute on top of the properies to store or on top of your settings class and let our aspect do the rest for you. It work by weaving the geter and seter for the target property to make sure that it read/write from local storage.