Top 20 NuGet thread Packages

Fully automated MVVM library. The library observes properties, analyzes changes, and raises change notifications.
Multi-threaded data recording, almost without synchronization
OpenShare.Net Threading Library. ConcurrentCache is a new in-memory cache system that is generically typed to IDictionary and is thread safe. Client Pool is generically typed and plays well with TPL (Task Parallel Library) for any disposable clients. See source code on Github by using the project ur...
Unitysync.Async is a library of extension methods that lets you preform async continuations on Task/Task<T> Types. Allowing you to non-blockingly call async methods on the Unity3D main thread and continue on the Unity3D main thread when the Task/Task<T> is completed.
Helpers for asynchronous programming
Crawler-Lib Concurrency Testing allows to write unit tests with multiple threads to test the concurrency behavior of components. It has synchronization mechanisms to control the workflow of the threads and to record the execution steps. It is also possible to use it for client/server tests. ...
ThreadGun is a form of multithreading created for developers keen on building fast and stable application.
The common library shared between BrowseSharp projects. This project contains all of the non-browser related models used in BrowseSharp.
Extension package for the LazyCacheHelpers Library to provide easy to use helpers to read cache configuration values from App.Config or Web.config files using System.Configuration; making things like enabling/disabling and dynamic fallback from specialized to generalized config values much easier to...
boost_thread-vc110. Compiler: Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.
boost_thread-vc90. Compiler: Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
An MvvmLight helper for calling RaisePropertyChanged on the UI thread from a PCL. See Project Site for instructions.
Foundation - Platform abstraction: Eases porting issues of fundamental types, etc. - Memory management: RAII, auto_ptr, reference counting garbage collection, etc. - String utilities - Error handling: Extended exception classes - streams: Encoding and decoding and filtering support - threads: Concu...
An extension to Jeuxjeux20.Mvvm, which provides useful tools to use Application.Dispatcher and SynchronizationContext
C# Engine to download multiple WebRequests in Paralel with TLP and Concurrent Blocking COllection
Batch extension for WorkerDispatcher
Provides strong-typed persistence of data in Thread local storage, which can also be transient and automatically removed on dispose. Usage: Thread.CurrentThread.SetData<Foo>(foo); var saved = Thread.CurrentThread.GetData<Foo>();