Top 20 NuGet thread Packages

Tests for netfx-System.Threading.ThreadData
support multi session factory and mvc3.
Contains all models required for doing the exercises of the Modern Development workshop involving Visual Studio, C# and WPF with XAML.
This package provides Windows Forms Async/Cross Thread Extensions.
A library that provides simplified threaded and non-threaded execution of SQL statements. It can be used to expose an interface to Microsoft Excel clients, providing threaded, async operations to a single-thread application.
Extension methods that provide a simple, thread-safe mechanism for firing events.
PCL Extension provides a Thread implementation for .NET, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps.
This is an event logger that manages events based on client IDs, able to transcend multiple threads.
Parallel tasks executing library.
Makes any call to a function of an object thread safe
Redistributable components for package ''. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
.NET Client for Distributed Lock Manager Server
Analogue BackgroundWorker allows you to calculate each task and stop execution at any level.
Xamarin.Android Multi-Thread Downloader. For more help please read
Library for make an easy multi-thread application with progress count.
DPackage for running Tasks in parallel like they are System.Threading.Threads.
A library for object and collection pooling and various other things. Documentation is found on the project site.
Easy and seamless caching implementation of any virtual method in any class.
ThreadSafe AdoNetWithDistributedTransactionFactory
boost_thread-vc80. Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 SP1.