Top 20 NuGet server Packages
IT Hit Server Context for projects that use IOwinContext.
A fluent ORM and Database Reflection Library for SQL Server. This is a replacement for Tortuga.Chain.SqlServer. It uses Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead of the legacy System.Data.SqlClient.
You can use this package to create a debug adapter, that will be consumed by many clients
The core module for Pixel Horror Studios. This package contains events and models for network payloads for Client or Server connections. This package is used as a base module for many different applications including but not limited to: Allie.Chat, TheMonitaur, Tcp.NET, Udp.NET, WebsocketsSimple, an...
Persistant queue message data library for Twino MQ
Kivii Dev Platform 服务器端业务加载器
The Stimulsoft BI platform provides a full-featured back-end solution for your .NET application. API provides access to the main functions of the system and automates user actions. You can use this API in conjunction with Stimulsoft Cloud and Stimulsoft Server.
NosCore's Shared Components
You can use this package to test a Json Rpc Server
You can use this package to test a debug adapter protocol client or server
Plug-In allowing for the specification of documention for REST/HAL APIs.
This is a support library to integrate AttributeRouting into MQTTnet with AspNetCore.
Easily create Controllers and Actions to process incoming MQTT messages using attribute-based routing against the incoming message topic.
Lightweight web server written in pure C# with few dependencies to 3rd-party libraries.
The PPWCode Server.Core library
Horse Core library for all horse servers, protocols and services
Messaging Queue Server
LogMan is a lightweight, one-file .NET console solution, inspired by the console input system used in Minecraft server consoles. It allows multiple threads to output text to the console, without breaking any input currently being typed by a user. It also supports a variable-size command history.
OAuthServer.NET is a simple yet scalable OAuth 2.0 provider for the 4 standard types of OAuth 2.0 as well as custom grants. OAuthServer.NET supports implicit, authorization code, resource owner password, and client credentials as well as 3rd party logins. OAuthServer.NET is integrated with the Asp.N...
OAuthServer.NET is a simple yet scalable OAuth 2.0 provider for the 4 standard types of OAuth 2.0 as well as custom grants. OAuthServer.NET supports implicit, authorization code, resource owner password, and client credentials as well as 3rd party logins. OAuthServer.NET is integrated with the Asp.N...