Top 20 NuGet server Packages
This sample demonstrates high-throughput server push by PowerWebSockets.
Static helper class for performing MS SQL operations.
Based on the Microsoft .NET Data Access Application Block v2.0.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer.Converters package instead.
Google Drive file system for the portable FTP server
NWebDav.Server is a flexible WebDAV server library that can be used to expose files or other data using WebDAV
Make server application fluently
Integrates RemoteViewing with ASP.NET Core, allowing you to host a noVNC server.
MinecraftBE Server
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Easily send email messages using the SocketLabs Injection API.
In-memory file system for portable FTP server
Simple and Powerful Dynamic Multiple Column Searching and Sorting along with Pagination and Excel Export for Jquery DataTables Asp.Net Core Server Side
.NET Standard web application framework built on ASP.NET Core w/ Kestrel and inspired by Express.js
Tungsten.Net makes it easy to add tcp sockets to your application. Client and server classes are provided, with and without assymetric encryption. Note that the secure classes always use RSA for encryption; no symmetric session key is exchanged. For larger data sets, this can make the secure class...
Simple multi-platform HTTP server based on HttpListener.
The core Secret Server SDK library, required for interacting with Secret Server 10.4 or above programatically through the SDK.
Provides a module for registering SqlRepo.SqlServer components in IoC container using NInject