Top 20 NuGet server Packages
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Application Insights Event Counter Collector allows you to send data sent from EventCounters to Application Insights. Privacy statement:
A simple, extensible, lightweight and fast RPC Socket server
Enables opening documents for editing from your storage in Google G Suite Online and automatically saves modified document back to your storage. You can open Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Supports real-time collaboration - several users can edit documents simultaneously.
Generates source link for Azure DevOps Server (formerly known as TFS) Git repositories.
The core module for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
You can use this package to test a language server protocol client or server
Support for NodaTime Types in SQL Server client
A dotnet commandline tool for WireMock.Net (A Lightweight Http Mocking Server for .NET)
MVC Library for Horse Http Server
Horse Serializable Model library for object based communication with text-based protocols
WebSocket Protocol library and server extension for Horse Server
A light weight http server.
Rebuild it with .NetStandard 2.0.
Support SSL encryption and url rewrite.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Server provides the OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Hosting and OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Server assemblies.
The web.config.transform adds the necessary configSections, HTTP modules, and system.serviceModel elements to make your Domain Services available at runtime....
VenturaSQL is the 3-tier SQL framework for C# projects where database access and web services are integrated into a single solution.
Provides a Component to implement a SMTP Router.
A SMTP Router is an object that will receive SMTP messages and forward it to another SMTP, based on certain routing rules.
Tool - Parse analysis reports (InspectCode, ...) and send messages to build server or console.
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
naked Agility Visual Studio Team Services Sync & Migration Engine allows you to bulk edit data in Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). You can migrate work items, area & iterations, & test data from one Team Project to another. You can builk update work item...