Top 20 NuGet package Packages

Prepare your mobile release (BundleId, Name, Version, ...) from a simple CLI.
Package Builder is a command-line utility allowing more finite control over the creation of Kentico module packages and support for continuous integration.
Package Builder is a command-line utility allowing more finite control over the creation of Kentico module packages and support for continuous integration.
Automatically creates an assembly and package version based on environmental information, such as Git.
VTK is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. This package statically link your VTK code with pre-built libraries, which enables you to build a standalone application. Toolset: MSVC 14.1 (Visual Studio 2017) P...
ITK (Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit) is an open-source, cross-platform system that provides developers with an extensive suite of software tools for image analysis. This package statically link your ITK code with pre-built libraries, which enables you to build a standalone application...
Excecutes commands on build.
Test of nuget package including how to debug into code in the nuget package. You can test how you can call a method in the ClassLibraryNugetTest DLL nuget package - e.g. call GetVersion() in the you own code like this: var testLib = new ClassLibraryNuget(); Nugetlabel.Content = t...
NuStore download nuget packages which declared in the *.deps.json, and save to store folder, for minify .net core publish size
Simple .NET package to cleanse strings from curse words
Detailed summary is mentinoed below: This AUTOPKG has been created using Microsoft's CoApp tool. NOTE : CoApp project is developed and maintained under the APACHE LICENSE, 2.0 '' The intent is to make the necessary build artifa...
This tool will restore the given NuGet package.
This tool will restore the given NuGet package and then execute a method within the restored DLLs. The method does not need to be marked as entrypoint, and it may contain other parameter types than the default string array type.
This tool will deploy the given NuGet package by copying the DLL and generating .deps.json and .runtimeconfig.json files, or by copying all non-framework assemblies into single folder.
The Spell Check API returns a list of words it does not recognize along with suggested replacements. Typically, you would submit text to this API and then either make the suggested replacements in the text or show them to the user of your application so they can decide whether to make the replac...
Bing Video Search API provides an experience similar to Bing Videos, by returning videos that Bing determines are relevant to a query.
This package includes Windows.ApplicationModel like APIs cross-platform such as: - Package for providing information about the installed application. - PackageId for providing package identification info, such as name, version, and publisher. - PackageVersion for providing package ...