Top 20 NuGet package Packages

Manage NuGet package sources from the NuGet PowerShell Console. Allows you to add, remove and update package sources.
NuGetPackageUninstaller - removes a package from all projects with just Uninstall-PackageAll packageName
This will extend web packages so that you can publish a package to different environments. Your packages will contain all of your web.config transforms.
Testing NuGet package
Enable Package Restore - If you're like me and you enabled package restore and found it was broken on any given build server, you need to install this to fix package restore to the way it should work.
Discover package sources from a given URL. If no URL is given, http://nuget.<networkdomain> will be assumed.
simplifies using tools in other nuget packages
This adds a script that will create a zipped version of a specific web configuration from a PackageWeb archive. This is useful to build a single package that can be deployed to multiple environments. **Running the script requires PowerShell Community Extensions** All of this is based on the excelle...
My package description.
Treats the "linked" folder in an dependend nuget package as an additional special folder and adds it's contents as link to the solution
You can use this NuGet package to make working with NuGet Package Restore easier from build servers. If you want to ship Build updates in a NuGet package then you can use this package to help users create scripts to resotre the NuGet packages before the build starts. For detailed info o...
Convert a project into a NuGet package. Install Fosol.NuGetWrapper and compile your project. MSBuild will automatically create a 'Package' folder within your build target folder which will contain your NuGet package.
*Please notice: This package is not supported by Sitecore A/S* Requires Sitecore 7.1. Contains more than 70 new SPEAK renderings that wrap 85% of Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2. Additional renderings include: - FuelUX Spinner - InlineStyle - AjaxDataSource - StaticJsonDataSource - Debugger - KnockoutMod...
This is the trial packge
MPF Implementation of VS Projects
This is a test package created by the NuGet team.
PVC Build Engine
Language translator for c#
PackageNet takes PackageWeb a step further to extend web packages for ANY .net project so that you can publish a package to different environments. Your packages will contain all of your *.config transforms.