Top 20 NuGet package Packages

Support package xaml library.
The Dynamo Package Manager .Net Client.
Easy-to-use test run reporter for NUnit 3 (NUnit extension for both NUnit.Console and NUnit.Engine)
Creating 301 redirects from decommissioned URLs to currently active pages.
Evaluate Dependencies and DetectInstall elements defined in an Lenovo System Update Package xml.
Easy-to-use test run reporter for SpecFlow
Easy-to-use test run reporter for MSTestV2 (testfx)
Wraps SharpCompress into IFileProvider and IPackageLoader. Supports formats .zip, .7z, .rar, .tar, .gz recursively. See:
Wraps SharpZipLib archives into IFileProvider and IPackageLoader. Can open .bzip2 and .z archives recursively. See:
Ghpr.Core: Core package for test run reporter (NUnit, SpecFlow, MSTest, MSTestV2)
Form builder editor for Umbraco 7
Ghpr.LocalFileSystem: Data provider package to work with local files
Demonstration nuget package deployed with Azure DevOps using a CI/CD YAML pipeline.
SynchroFeed is an extensible framework for integrating with a Nuget-like feeds to perform syncing, cataloging and validation of Nuget and Chocolatey packages. This is an addon for syncing packages between a source repository with a target repository.
SynchroFeed is an extensible framework for integrating with a Nuget-like feeds to perform syncing, cataloging and validation of Nuget and Chocolatey packages. This is an addon for syncing packages between a source repository with a target repository.
MSBuild task that bumps the version of a Visual Studio 2019 project before build and pack.
Templates for creating a C# Bonsai package (.nupkg)
Package Manager Console Tools to manage ASPSecurityKit licenses and install source packages. ASPSecurityKit simplifies implementation of zero-trust security for every web app. To get started Visit This package provides a friendly UI to let you regi...
Form builder editor for Umbraco 7
Configures packages using Ioc.Modules as a Ninject module