Top 20 NuGet package Packages

Greg Revit Authentication Provider.
Microsoft CNTK CPU-only Model Evaluation Libraries (no GPU required)
Create nuget package on build project with 'CreateNuget' configuration. Please try not to edit files inside Script folder. Specify nuget server path and api key inside Settings.xml in CreateNuget folder.For publishing package execute command 'Publish-Package -source "Nuget server path" -apiKey "api ...
Trirand Package description
sdk for kivi package development
Sample Package
Test Package
Its a test nuget package
Dummy security package
Test description
test description
demo package for dotnet core
Imports the kentico export package
This is a sample package
Test of publishing a NuGet Package. It'll be hided in a few houres
demo package for dotnet core
Generates a .nuspec file for a NuGet tools package from a Visual Studio 2017 console app project.
My package description.
HELOS Security Framework