Top 20 NuGet nancy Packages

DEPRECATED - A .NET library with helpers and extensions for the Nancy web framework.
DEPRECATED - A .NET library providing helpers for self hosting the Nancy web framework.
Enables hosting Nancy in any application.
Adds Fluent Validation support to Nancy.
Nancy metadata modules to describe your APIs.
Enables using Markdown with Nancy.
Microphone.Asp5 Class Library
A RethinkDB-backed session provider for Nancy (utilizing Nancy.Session.Persistable)
A library to add capabilities to a NancyFx web service to generate a json doc that complies to OpenApi spec 3.0.2.
A basic HTTP authentication provider for Nancy.
Adds Data Annotation validation support to Nancy.
Enables Nancy integration with Microsoft.Owin.Security middleware.
Provides JSON (De-)Serialization support for Nancy using Jil.
Nancy extensions for OWIN hosting.
An Unity bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework.
Enables hosting Nancy on WCF.
A protocol buffers (de)serializer for the Nancy web framework.
A token based authentication provider for Nancy.
Adds Gzip Compression as HTTP Content-Encoding to NancyFX.
Raven is a C# client for Sentry ( and