Top 20 NuGet nlog Packages

Additional Targets for logging messages into System.Windows.Forms controls with NLog
Nlog sink for Datadog
Simple NLog logging target for Microsoft Teams
A .NET Core NLog target to send log message to Aliyun Log Service.
NLog target for Azure App Service blob storage
The easiest and easy to use Nlog。 Log.Info("Info"); Log.Error("Error");
NLog target for NewRelic logging
NLog Gelf target for dotnet core.
Send logs to New Relic Logs.
le_nlog is now deprecated. Please use logentries.nlog instead
My application is held together with voodoo and chickenwire.
(deprecated) Package no longer needed. Source included in NLog.
This adds the ability for Batman to interact with local files as well as urls.
Timber is a straightforward, no-frills logging framework facade. Timber provides adapters for the most popular 3rd party logging frameworks, NLog and log4net (available as separate packages: Timber.NLog and Timber.log4net)
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to use NLog as the logging library.
NLog.GrowlTargets compaible with NLog >= v2.1 t
The package help Tofino vendor test team to onekey configure all log search appenders for mvc project in Ibiza windows azure application insights. Steps: 1.Add application insights for mvc web project in visual studio 2013 update 3 RTM. 2.Install this package 3.F5 debug project, abo...
Inherit your win-services from WinServiceBase class and get complete service with timer and NLog logger support.