Top 20 NuGet nlog Packages

An NLog Target for MongoDB 2.0 Driver persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 2.0
Provides NLog Target to log to EventBucket (Global Anonymous Event Hub).
An NLog target for Loggly
NLog connector targeting Loggly. For usage see the project home page.
Drop in exception stats and logging for webapi
Custom NLog Target for sending log messages straight to an Azure Storage Endpoint in real-time. Note that Append Blobs are the only supported storage endpoints at this time.
Project contains various NLog targets
A simple wrapper for multiple logging libraries. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
NLog logger for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
NLog target for
Tiny Logging library that we use in many projects; helper functions for NLog
NLog appender based on HTML5 SSE
NLog target for ElasticSearch 2.0, Forked from
NLog target for sending logs to SignalR groups
Use NLog to write to an Azure Table partitioned by year and month.
An NLog target that utilize the standart Network target with tcp connection and allows to write to
WebApi.RequestLogging allows you to easily add NLog-based request logging to Web API projects.
Module for logging request and response data
NLog target for shipping logs to