Top 20 NuGet nlog Packages

NLog target to log directly to Splunk and Splunk Storm via REST api. Runs a background thread that uploads log entries in batches.
An NLog Target for MongoDB persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 1.8.3
An NLog target which lets you log screenshots
NLog extension for Rollbar ( error reporting system using RollbarSharp
NLog target to write to an AzureServiceBus.
Nlog integration for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building. Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
A singleton of the NLog logger for lazy developers.
Package contains : NLog renderers for trace activity id and assembly version, ETW NLog targets and NLogTraceListener
Data Patterns for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building .Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
NLog target for Trace2Cloud project
NLog logging extension for Styx
Appender for nlog for
A simple NLog target that posts Json to a http endpoint. Dependencies ------------ Currently using ServiceStack.Text for serialization and HttpClient to post asynchronously. Usage ----- Visit the GitHub project site for usage, examples & source!
NLogConfig simplifies programmatic configuration, and makes it easy to use NLog within extensions within extendible applications such as Visual Studio. By specifying a few parameters, NLogConfig will configure NLog to write logs to a user's AppData\Roaming directory under a folder named based on the...
This integration library adds support for LibLog to MassTransit. LibLog enables dependency free logging. It contains transparent builtin support for NLog, Log4Net, EntLib Logging and SeriLog or allows the user to define a custom provider. Works with .NET 4 and higher.
NLog target for Redis
A simple Nlog / OWIN log factory adapter
Extends ExceptionLayoutRenderer, EventPropertiesLayoutRenderer, AsyncTargetWrapper and provides ExceptionUnwrapper
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
NLog target that writes to Azure Event Hubs.