Top 20 NuGet ilweaving Packages
A Fody add-in to make members protected.
Use this addin to unseal sealed types. The most obvious usage of this is when working with F# records and an ORM like Entity Framework or NHibernate. Or if you want to create a dynamic proxy.
All of the previously listed scenarios require you in some cases to have an object can be proxied, requ...
A Nuget Fody plugin for converting dictionary members into class level properties
This is a fody add-in that helps transfering Dictionary<string,object> type of data structures into C# properties.
The reason for this i to have a Dictionary a like repository with strongly typed content.
Compiles regular expressions as part of the build process for improved performance and validation
Adds the ability to specify the assembly MVID (Module Version Id)
Inject Static Id for Factory Pattern.
Fork of Janitor.Fody that wants to be more explicit.
Fody add-in for embedding references as resources.
Compile-time dependency injection Fody add-in.
A Fody library that makes private setters public.
Fody add-in for weaving NUnit Timeout tags on the TestFixture classes with a global maximum. Depending on your setting the slow unit tests are going to fail after the timeout period.
The goal is to catch all incorrectly written NUnit tests and to force them to execute quickly. This will provi...
A VisualStudio tool to allow programmers to develop Transaction Aware classes for NHibernate. TransactionAware AOP is implemented at compile time with CompileTimeWeaver.Fody.
Fody add-in that allows EntityFramework complex properties to be saved in serialized form.
Fork of StampSvn.Fody. Stamps an assembly with svn information.
A Fody add-in for generating fast shallow clone methods
Substitute types with other types to e.g. intercept generated code.
Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..