Top 20 NuGet ilweaving Packages
Extra type constraints for Enum and Delegate.
Changes string comparisons to case insensitive.
Allows a more expressive use of the ObsoleteAttribute.
Exposes 'methodof' and 'propertyof' to any .net language.
Remove test references from an assembly.
Fody add-in for reading embedded resources.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Fody add-in that helps with implementing IDisposable.
Un-swallows any exceptions that have been swallowed using IL weaving
Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..
Aspects is a AOP tool based on Fody, that allow you to encapsulate your code with attributes..
Custom interceptors for Cauldron.Interception.Fody that provides method, property, field and constructor interception.
Auto BindableProperty in Xamarin.Forms with Fody.
This add-in gives you extended control over auto-properties, like directly accessing the backing field or intercepting getters and setters.
Automates the plumbing around System.Lazy.
Trace.Fody is an ILWeaver which adds trace enter and leave log entries to methods. Besides it rewrites static log calls to
instance calls adding method information to the call in order to avoid costly stack walks in the logger. This is a general rewriter which can be adapted to different logging...
Ninject extension for using StaticProxy.Fody with ninject. This enables proxying on platforms which don't support Dynamic Proxy (like Windows RT, Apple IPhone,...)
Serilog adapter for Tracer.Fody which is an ILWeaver adding trace enter and leave log entries to methods. This adapter redirects trace logs and
all other log calls to Serilog.
Auto-generates `ToString()` based on your class's fields and/or properties.