Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
Color your console app output functionally in a Fable.React-style way.
Toolkit for creating microservices in a multi-project test environment using mock distributed mechanisms.
Package Description
Simple library for defining an API through an F# record and accessing it normally.
QAToolKit.Auth library.
F# runtime library for Protocol Buffers
gRPC and Protocol Buffer compiler for managed F# projects. Add this package to a project that contains .proto files to be compiled to code. It contains the compilers, include files and project system integration for gRPC and Protocol buffer service description files necessary to b...
QAToolKit Probes library.
Async extensions for F#
.NET Bindings for TensorFlow
The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use with the F# programming languages provided by the F# team at Microsoft.
FParsec is a parser combinator library for F#. You can find comprehensive documentation for FParsec at The documentation includes a feature list, a tutorial, a user’s guide and an API reference. This package uses a configuration of FParsec that supports very large ...
A collection of libraries for building web and mobile applications. Leverages FunScript for seamless full-stack development in F#. Adheres to Google's standard for ajax=crawling.
The core building blocks of the Freya web stack
The console command-line runner for Persimmon.
Legacy project file cracker for the F# compiler service.