Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

WebSharper Extension for JQueryTerminal-1.5.3
WebSharper bindings to iio Engine ( version 1.2.2
WebSharper bindings for Ace.
Helpers for the F# Abstract Syntax Tree
Package Description
F# type providers for RDF and SPARQL. GraphProvider generates types from a schema or sample RDF graph. UriProvider generates Uri properties for IRIs in RDF vocabularies. SparqlCommandProvider and SparqlQueryProvider provide some type safety for SPARQL.
Thin F# API for SqlClient for easy data access to MSSQL server with functional seasoning on top
Contains only WebSharper.Core.dll for acessing basic server-side functionality of WebSharper. For a web project with client-side/Sitelets support, use WebSharper package instead.
NetStandard Type provider to provide classnames from a css file.
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
BatchIt is a very simple F# library that allows you to write batched async functions and consume them as if they were non-batched.
A small library for working with bit-arrays based on 64 bit signed integers in F#
A small library facilitating simple utility functions
Various common utilities
A small library for working various system services in F#
A small library for working various system services in F#
Server and client-side utilities for WebSocket communication in WebSharper ASP.NET Core projects
Informedica.Build.Template does the thing!
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit: