Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

MBrace on Windows Azure.
MirrorSharp F# support library. MirrorSharp is a code editor <textarea> built on Roslyn — see for details.
F# JSON Reflection based serialization library
Hedgehog with batteries included: Auto-generators, extra combinators, and more.
Package Description
Common compiler libraries for C#/F#-to-JavaScript translation
FSharp library which implements state, async state, and random monads.
Giraffe plugin to use Serilog as the logger for your application
FSharp library which implements distributed algorithms using MailboxProcessor.
This is a routing library for fable and inspired by Giraffe. It supports both client side and server sider rendering.
Fable light weight form utils
This is a little wrapper utils to help use odata functions in giraffe
Type providers for generating types and service interfaces for XRoad producers.
F#-first linear algebra, machine learning, fitting, signal processing, and statistical testing.
TMEA (Thermodynamically Motivated Enrichment Analysis) is a thermodynamically motivated approach to gene set enrichment analysis
F# type provider to support statically typed access to input parameters and result sets of sql statements in an idiomatic F# way. Data modifications via statically typed tables.
Geodesy problems and their solutions.
F# gRPC client meta-package
Hedgehog with convenience attributes for xUnit. - Test method arguments generated with a custom - ...or with a custom Generator. - Property.check called for each test. Docs at
Async code library inspired by the Future trait from rust-std