Top 20 NuGet feature Packages
FeatureSwitch helper library to integrate with StructureMap v2.6
FeatureSwitch IoC container support for Unity
A feature flipping system for ASP.Net WebAPI.
A feature flipping system with Unity.
Feature Switch IoC container support for Ninject
ConfigurationSection repo for RToggle
A flexible feature toggle library
A Sql feature source for FeatureSelect
FeatureSwitch cloud support library
FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system. This package makes use of Redis as a storage backend.
A really simple library for checking if a feature is enabled/disabled
A feature toggle library with ASP.Net routing
Allow configuration of featuresusing scripts (currently just javascript)
Add support for feature folders to ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
Easy way to determine features using configurable or runtime conditions
SpecFlow.FeaturesFromTfs updates the contents of specflow .feature files that follow a regex defined naming convention (by default Story{workItemNumber}.feature)
from the specified fields of that work item in TFS. This is done every build, and allows you to store the source for your SpecFlow tes...
Featurify is a package that provides the ability to selectively show features without the need for a new release. It specifically targets user specific features and leverages the DI framework to identify the metada and the user, instead of using application settings.
A unit test adapter for Gherkin specifications.
A parser and test runner for the Gherkin language.
A simple and easy way to write behavior driven tests.