Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

JSON Dynamic Object (JDO) is a small and lightweight library that provides a simple paradigm of working with JSON objects in .Net. Everything is stored as a native type, and made easily accessible through member access notation and internally uses the JavaScriptSerializer Class.
Dynamic Patterns is a library that contains design patterns built on the Dynamic Language Runtime. Patterns implemented: Snapshot, Combine, Multicast, LoadBalance, DynamicDictionary.
Code library for creating runtime emitted Wcf proxy clients.
A light, simple, flexible, open source and generally awesome micro ORM.
Object-Tree validation tools. Simple and readable validation of the structure and data of any object tree. Validation assertions can be either INamedPredicates or NUnit assertion constraints.
The Ljund Common Library includes many useful development aids such as: - Task Queue; The ability to set multiple tasks running in a queue-like system with configurable options of what to do in certain situations - Cryptography Helpers; Assymmetric, Symmetric and Hash functions - Win32 Helpers; Win3...
System.Linq.Dynamic for .NET 3.5 compiled .dll packaged for NuGet
JSON parser that generates either a dynamic object or a strongly typed object
A fluent interface to create Lambda functions and expression waiting for Microsoft Roslyn. The documentation can be found on No knowledge of IL and System.Linq.Expression is needed. And even Lambda can be called. Available items are: Function p...
.NET library that allows you to create types at run-time using an easy-to-use Fluent API that looks like Basic code.
We moved here: NOTE: The current package is *UNSUPPORTED* since 2016
The library supports dynamic binding thru the notion of tokens. Tokens are enclosed by curly brackets. They will be evaluated at runtime and get interpolated after being resolved. The parsing mode is very lenient where tokens that fail to resolve are replaced by empty strings with an option to disp...
This is a contoler class, by calling action -CrawlSite it will generate sitemap xml of the current site and will show the xml content in browser. For dynamic sitemap this is very useful.
This project is used to call dynamic linq functions on unknown types. The dynamic linq query is structured using reflection.
This component extends the DynamicObject, in order to add / remove new members at runtime.
Qi4CS Extension: Configuration is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that provides basic API for assembling composites that can be deserialized and serialized by ConfigurationManager, which is also provided by this extension. The configuration composites may have their location specified at assembling time ...
Qi4CS Extension: Configuration (XML) is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that further augments Qi4CS.Extensions.Configuration by adding customizable XML (de)serialization support for configuration composites.
Reflector is a library for generating lightweight .NET proxies on the fly at runtime
Kerosene C# Dynamic Tools Library